Bøker og forskning

Her har jeg samlet diverse linker til bøker og artikler m.m som gir større innblikk i og mer kunnskap om de ulike metodene jeg praktiserer.


Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditasjon 

av Norman E. Rosenthal M.D.

In this definitive book on the scientifically proven health and stress-relieving benefits of Transcendental Meditation, a renowned psychiatrist and researcher explores why TM works, what it can do for you, and how to use it for maximum effect. 


Catching the Big Fish
Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity

by David Lynch 

When it first appeared in 2006, David Lynch’s Catching the Big Fish was celebrated for being “as close as Lynch will ever come to an interior shot of his famously weird mind” (Rocky Mountain News) Now for the bestseller’s 10th anniversary, Lynch dives deeper into the creative process and the benefits of Transcendental Meditation with the addition of his exclusive q-and-a interviews with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.

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Strength in Stillness
The Power of Transcendental Meditation

By Bob Roth

A simple, straightforward exploration of Transcendental Meditation and its benefits from world authority Bob Roth.
Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld. Ray Dalio and Ellen DeGeneres. Gwyneth Paltrow and Howard Stern. Tom Hanks and Gisele Bündchen. What do they have in common? The answer is a Transcendental Meditation teacher named Bob Roth, who has spent the past forty-five years helping many thousands of people access their innate creativity and power through this simple, nonreligious technique.


The Truth about tm

By David Orme Johnson, Ph.D

This site is a resource for those interested in pursuing issues and concerns about meditation effects and research, including the latest scientific research on higher states of consciousness and enlightenment.

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jeg kan hjelpe deg

Av Lise Martens

En introduksjonsvideo der jeg forteller litt om hvordan jeg kan hjelpe deg til å få drømmejobben eller virkelig trives i den jobben du allerede har. Ofte er vi så presset i hverdagen at livsgleden blir borte. Klarer vi å nullstille oss innimellom, så vil vi kunne hente frem en ro som gir oss balanse og bidrar til å nå de målene vi setter oss.